Lecture: Devotion - Diary of an Appalachian Garden


Lecture: Devotion - Diary of an Appalachian Garden

from $10.00

Speakers: Mignon Durham - Gardener, Writer
Nancy Duffy - Garden Designer

In 2013, at 61 years of age, Mignon Durham purchased 2.77 long-neglected acres in Asheville, North Carolina. Her goal was to design and build a LEED certified home. Along with SouthLight Builders as the contractor, she hired Nancy Duffy, founder of Muddy Boots Garden Design, to implement a multi-year garden design and installation. In less than seven years, the results are nothing short of stunning. Devotion, as the garden is called, includes formal gardens and extensive native woodland gardens.

In 2020, during the year of Covid-19 sequestering, Mignon wrote the book Devotion: Diary of an Appalachian Garden to share her insights and meditations about gardening. The book includes an extensive index of plants, with hundreds of photographs, offering inspiration to all gardeners as well as the professional garden designer. Hear the story behind the story, as Mignon and Nancy share their experience, inspiration, and journey in growing this garden and writing a book.

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